GS1 US has established a cross-industry Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) discussion group that seeks to address best practices for implementing Electronic Product Code (EPC)–enabled RFID to support supply chain and inventory management imperatives. GS1 Standards, the most widely used supply chain standards in the world, provide a foundational data structure and systems interoperability to help drive use of the technology across various industries, including apparel/general merchandise, retail grocery, foodservice and healthcare.
The RFID discussion group kickoff meeting will take place March 24, 2022, and thereafter the group will convene on a quarterly basis. The initial meeting will feature the following speakers:
- Matt Alexander, senior director, Merchandising Innovation, Walmart, will discuss the benefits of EPC–enabled RFID and challenges the technology addressed at Walmart.
- Dr. Bill Hardgrave, provost and senior vice president, Auburn University, will examine the industrywide benefits of EPC–enabled RFID.
- Mark Roberti, founder and editor, RFID Journal, will share observations about the state of RFID today and future opportunities.
“EPC–enabled RFID pilots leveraging GS1 Standards are underway across different industries, and companies are eager to learn from those that have successfully deployed this technology,” said Angela Fernandez, vice president of community engagement, GS1 US. “Through education and collaboration with leaders in various industries, the discussion group aims to enhance an organization’s knowledge of this technology, analyze the potential impact and understand how it supports interoperability across solutions.”
The cross-industry RFID discussion group will showcase successful implementations, pilots and programs and provide insight into how RFID–based solutions address relevant business challenges. Attendees will learn how GS1 Standards serve as a foundation for RFID and identify needs that industry may want to address moving forward.
The cross-industry RFID discussion group is open to GS1 US members participating in a GS1 US Industry Initiative (apparel/general merchandise, retail grocery, foodservice or healthcare) as well as members of the GS1 US Solution Partner Program.
For more information about the RFID discussion group, visit https://site.gs1us.org/rfid and to learn more about GS1 US, please visit www.gs1us.org.
About GS1 US
GS1 US®, a member of GS1 global, is a not-for-profit information standards organization that facilitates industry collaboration to help improve supply chain visibility and efficiency through the use of GS1 Standards, the most widely used supply chain standards system in the world. Over 300,000 businesses in 25 industries rely on GS1 US for trading partner collaboration that optimizes their supply chains, drives cost performance and revenue growth, while also enabling regulatory compliance. They achieve these benefits through solutions based on GS1 global unique numbering and identification systems, barcodes, Electronic Product Code (EPC®)-based RFID, data synchronization and electronic information exchange. GS1 US also manages the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code® (UNSPSC®).